«Je pense, donc je suis» «Cogito ergo sum» «Я мыслю, следовательно, я есмь»
Р. Декарт, 1637

300 years v3

Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFRC UB RAS) is a modern world-class research center based on the integration of various scientific approaches and paradigms while preserving unique professional competencies of its member institutes and scientific departments and laboratories.

The mission of the center is development of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches aimed at solving a wide range of integrated security issues for technologies, infrastructure facilities and territories.

The Director of the Center is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baryakh Alexander Abramovich.

The Supervisor and Chairman of the Joint Academic Council of the Center is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Matveyenko Valery Pavlovich.

Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was registered by tax authorities of Perm krai on 11 May 2017. The Center is a non-profit organization created in the form of a federal state budget institution. The functions and powers of the founder of the Center on behalf of the Russian Federation are exercised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science). The charter of the Center is approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated 6 July 2018, No. 217.


In 2017 Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was reorganized into Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFRC UB RAS) in the form of joining of five institutes:

  • The Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICMM UB RAS),
  • The Institute of Technical Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ITC UB RAS),
  • The Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MI UB RAS)
  • The Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEGM UB RAS),
  • Perm Research Institute of Agriculture (PRIA).

The Center has more than 400 researchers, including 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 3 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 72 doctors of sciences, 222 candidates of sciences (by 1 January 2020). The share of young researchers (up to the age of 39) is 48%.

Today Perm Scientific Center is:
  • a world-class competence center, developing international cooperation, stimulating participation of Russian scientists in international projects, providing competitive conditions for attracting foreign scientists, conducting scientific conferences and popularizing science;
  • a center for prospective planning, analyzing the current state and identifying new key areas at the junction of research in the field of deformable solid state mechanics, hydrodynamics, astrophysics, physics of magnetic phenomena, photonics, geomechanics, environmental management and agriculture, ecology, immunology, organic and inorganic chemistry , computer science, political science and ethnology;
  • a body that provides independent scientific and scientific-technical expertise of projects, including interdisciplinary ones, in the interests of federal and regional state authorities, industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, countries near and far abroad;
  • a scientific and educational organization carrying out training of highly qualified staff in the field of physical, mathematical, chemical, biological, technical, medical, geological and mineralogical sciences;
  • an organization that ensures the implementation of an effective information policy, the development of new methods of interaction with the media in order to form an adequate image of a scientist in society, to popularize scientific results obtained and to increase the prestige of Russian science.